Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Longest Consecutive SubArray

Given an array of unsorted integers, find the length of the longest sub-sequence (or subarray) such that elements in the subsequence are consecutive integers, the consecutive numbers can be in any order.
Input: arr[] = {1, 9, 3, 10, 4, 20, 2}
Output: 4
 The subsequence 1, 3, 4, 2 is the longest subsequence of consecutive elements

Input: arr[] = {36, 41, 56, 35, 44, 33, 34, 92, 43, 32, 42}
Output: 5
The subsequence 36, 35, 33, 34, 32 is the longest subsequence
of consecutive elements.


Simple Solution is to first sort the array and find the longest subarray with consecutive elements. Time complexity of this solution is O(nLogn). 

Linear Time O(n) Solution:

The idea is to use Hashing. We first insert all elements to a HashSet. Then check all the possible starts of consecutive subsequences. Below is the algorithm.
  • Create an empty HashSet.
  • Insert all array elements to HashSet.
  • Do following for every element arr[i]
  • Check if this element is the starting point of a subsequence. To check this, we simply look for arr[i] – 1 in the hashset, if not found, then this is the first element in a subsequence.
  • If this element is the first element, then count number of elements in the consecutive starting with this element. Iterate from arr[i] + 1 till the last element that can be found.
  • If the count is more than the previous longest subsequence found, then update this.
// Returns length of the longest consecutive subsequence
    Public static int findLongestConseqSubseq(int arr[],int n)
        HashSet<Integer> S = new HashSet<Integer>();
        int longest = 0;
        // Hash all the array elements
        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
        // check each possible sequence from the start
        // then update optimal length
        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
            // if current element is the starting
            // element of a sequence
            if (!S.contains(arr[i]-1))
                // Then check for next elements in the
                // sequence
                int j = arr[i];
                while (S.contains(j))
                // update  optimal length if this length
                // is more
                if (longest <j-arr[i])
                    longest = j-arr[i];
        return longest;