Mapper maps input key/value pairs to a set of intermediate key/value pairs.
Maps are the individual tasks that transform input records into intermediate records.
The Hadoop MapReduce framework spawns one map task for each InputSplit.
The Mapper outputs are sorted and then partitioned per Reducer. The total number of partitions is the same as the number of reduce tasks for the job. Users can control which keys (and hence records) go to which Reducer by implementing a custom Partitioner.
Users can optionally specify a Combiner, to perform local aggregation of the intermediate outputs, which helps to cut down the amount of data transferred from the Mapper to the Reducer.
How Many Maps?
The number of maps is usually driven by the total size of the inputs, that is, the total number of blocks of the input files.
Reducer reduces a set of intermediate values which share a key to a smaller set of values.
Reducer has 3 primary phases: shuffle, sort and reduce.
Input to the Reducer is the sorted output of the mappers. In this phase the framework fetches the relevant partition of the output of all the mappers, via HTTP.
The framework groups Reducer inputs by keys (since different mappers may have output the same key) in this stage.
The shuffle and sort phases occur simultaneously; while map-outputs are being fetched they are merged.
Secondary Sort
If equivalence rules for grouping the intermediate keys are required to be different from those for grouping keys before reduction, then one may specify a Comparator viaJobConf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class). Since JobConf.setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class) can be used to control how intermediate keys are grouped, these can be used in conjunction to simulate secondary sort on values.
Partitioner partitions the key space.
Partitioner controls the partitioning of the keys of the intermediate map-outputs. The key (or a subset of the key) is used to derive the partition, typically by a hash function. The total number of partitions is the same as the number of reduce tasks for the job. Hence this controls which of the m reduce tasks the intermediate key (and hence the record) is sent to for reduction.
HashPartitioner is the default Partitioner.
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