Saturday, January 30, 2016


What are different Types of Join?
Inner Join:
A join that displays only the rows that have a match in both joined tables is known as inner Join. This is the default type of join in the Query and View Designer.
SELECT p.LastName, p.FirstName, o.OrderNo
FROM Persons p
JOIN Orders o ON p.P_Id=o.P_Id
ORDER BY p.LastName
Outer Join:
A join that includes rows even if they do not have related rows in the joined table is an Outer Join. You can create three different outer join to specify the unmatched rows to be included:
Left Outer Join:
In Left Outer Join, all the rows in the first-named table, i.e. “left” table, which appears leftmost in the JOIN clause, are included. Unmatched rows in the right table do not appear.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name1
LEFT JOIN table_name2
ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name
Right Outer Join:
In Right Outer Join, all the rows in the second-named table, i.e. “right” table, which appears rightmost in the JOIN clause are included. Unmatched rows in the left table are not included.
Full Outer Join: In Full Outer Join, all the rows in all joined tables are included, whether they are matched or not.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name1
RIGHT JOIN table_name2
ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name
Self Join:
This is a particular case when one table joins to itself with one or two aliases to avoid confusion. A self join can be of any type, as long as the joined tables are the same. A self join is rather unique in that it involves a relationship with only one table. The common example is when company has a hierarchal reporting structure whereby one member of staff reports to another. Self Join can be Outer Join or Inner Join.
USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT DISTINCT pv1.ProductID, pv1.VendorID
FROM ProductVendor pv1
JOIN ProductVendor pv2 ON pv1.ProductID = pv2.ProductID AND pv1.VendorID = pv2.VendorID
ORDER BY pv1.ProductID
Cross Join:
A cross join that does not have a WHERE clause produces the Cartesian product of the tables involved in the join. The size of a Cartesian product result set is the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table. The common example is when company wants to combine each product with a pricing table to analyze each product at each price.
A PRIMARY KEY constraint is a unique identifier for a row within a database table. Every table should have a primary key constraint to uniquely identify each row, and only one primary key constraint can be created for each table. The primary key constraints are used to enforce entity integrity.
Create table with Primary Key:
Alter table with Primary Key:
What is UNIQUE KEY Constraint?
A UNIQUE constraint enforces the uniqueness of the values in a set of columns; so no duplicate values are entered. The unique key constraints are used to enforce entity integrity as the primary key constraints.
Alter table to add unique constraint to column:
A FOREIGN KEY constraint prevents any actions that would destroy links between tables with the corresponding data values. A foreign key in one table points to a primary key in another table. Foreign keys prevent actions that would leave rows with foreign key values when there are no primary keys with that value. The foreign key constraints are used to enforce referential integrity.
What is an Index?
An index is a physical structure containing pointers to the data. Indices are created in an existing table to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. It is possible to create an index on one or more columns of a table, and each index is given a name. The users cannot see the indexes; they are just used to speed up queries. Effective indexes are one of the best ways to improve performance in a database application. A table scan happens when there is no index available to help a query. In a table scan, the SQL Server examines every row in the table to satisfy the query results. Table scans are sometimes unavoidable, but on large tables, scans have a terrific impact on performance.
What are Clustered and a Non-clustered Index?
A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore, the table can have only one clustered index. The leaf nodes of a clustered index contain the data pages.
A non-clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk. The leaf node of a non-clustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index rows.
What’s the Difference between a Primary Key and a Unique Key?
Both primary key and unique key enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default, the primary key creates a clustered index on the column, whereas unique key creates a non-clustered index by default. Another major difference is that primary key doesn’t allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only.
What is a Trigger?
A trigger is a SQL procedure that initiates an action when an event (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) occurs. Triggers are stored in and managed by the DBMS. Triggers are used to maintain the referential integrity of data by changing the data in a systematic fashion. A trigger cannot be called or executed; DBMS automatically fires the trigger as a result of a data modification to the associated table. Triggers can be considered to be similar to stored procedures in that both consist of procedural logic that is stored at the database level. Stored procedures, however, are not event-drive and are not attached to a specific table as triggers are. Stored procedures are explicitly executed by invoking a CALL to the procedure while triggers are implicitly executed. In addition, triggers can also execute stored procedures.
What is a View?
A simple view can be thought of as a subset of a table. It can be used for retrieving data as well as updating or deleting rows. Rows updated or deleted in the view are updated or deleted in the table the view was created with. It should also be noted that as data in the original table changes, so does the data in the view as views are the way to look at parts of the original table. The results of using a view are not permanently stored in the database. The data accessed through a view is actually constructed using standard T-SQL select command and can come from one to many different base tables or even other views.
What is a Cursor?
A cursor is a database object used by applications to manipulate data in a set on a row-by-row basis, instead of the typical SQL commands that operate on all the rows in the set at one time.
What is Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE Commands?
Delete command removes the rows from a table on the basis of the condition that we provide with a WHERE clause. Truncate will actually remove all the rows from a table, and there will be no data in the table after we run the truncate command.
What is a Stored Procedure?
A stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that have been previously created and stored in the server database. Stored procedures accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. And when the procedure is modified, all clients automatically get the new version. Stored procedures reduce network traffic and improve performance. Stored procedures can be used to help ensure the integrity of the database. e.g. sp_helpdb, sp_renamedb, sp_depends etc.
What is the Difference between a HAVING clause and a WHERE clause?
They specify a search condition for a group or an aggregate. But the difference is that HAVING can be used only with the SELECT statement. HAVING is typically used in a GROUP BY clause. When GROUP BY is not used, HAVING behaves like a WHERE clause. Having Clause is basically used only with the GROUP BY function in a query, whereas WHERE Clause is applied to each row before they are part of the GROUP BY function in a query.
Describe about ACID properties?
ACID (an acronym for Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability) is a concept that Database Professionals generally look for while evaluating databases and application architectures. For a reliable database, all this four attributes should be achieved.
Atomicity is an all-or-none proposition.
Consistency guarantees that a transaction never leaves your database in a half-finished state.
Isolation keeps transactions separated from each other until they are finished.
Durability guarantees that the database will keep track of pending changes in such a way that the server can recover from an abnormal termination.
What are Different Types of Locks?
Shared Locks: Used for operations that do not change or update data (read-only operations), such as a SELECT statement.
Update Locks: Used on resources that can be updated. It prevents a common form of deadlock that occurs when multiple sessions are reading, locking, and potentially updating resources later.
Exclusive Locks: Used for data-modification operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. It ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time.
Intent Locks: Used to establish a lock hierarchy. The types of intent locks are as follows: intent shared (IS), intent exclusive (IX), and shared with intent exclusive (SIX).
Schema Locks: Used when an operation dependent on the schema of a table is executing. The types of schema locks are schema modification (Sch-M) and schema stability (Sch-S).
Bulk Update Locks: Used when bulk-copying data into a table and the TABLOCK hint is specified.
What is Connection Pooling and why it is Used?
The connection pooling is used to minimize the cost of opening and closing connections.
The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection. It manages connections by keeping alive a set of active connections for each given connection configuration. Whenever a user calls Open on a connection, the pooler looks for an available connection in the pool. If a pooled connection is available, it returns it to the caller instead of opening a new connection. When the application calls Close on the connection, the pooler returns it to the pooled set of active connections instead of closing it. Once the connection is returned to the pool, it is ready to be reused on the next Open call.
What is an Execution Plan? When would you Use it? How would you View the Execution Plan?
An execution plan is basically a road map that graphically or textually shows the data retrieval methods chosen by the SQL Server query optimizer for a stored procedure or ad-hoc query, and it is a very useful tool for a developer to understand the performance characteristics of a query or stored procedure since the plan is the one that SQL Server will place in its cache and use to execute the stored procedure or query. Within the Query Analyzer, there is an option called “Show Execution Plan” (in the Query drop-down menu). If this option is turned on, it will display query execution plan in a separate window when the query is ran again.
What is SQL Injection? How to Protect Against SQL Injection Attack?
SQL injection is an attack in which malicious code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution. Any procedure that constructs SQL statements should be reviewed for injection vulnerabilities because SQL Server will execute all syntactically valid queries that it receives. Even parameterized data can be manipulated by a skilled and determined attacker.
Here are few methods which can be used to protect again SQL Injection attack:
Use Type-Safe SQL Parameters
Use Parameterized Input with Stored Procedures
Use the Parameters Collection with Dynamic SQL
Filtering Input parameters
Use the escape character in LIKE clause
Wrapping Parameters with QUOTENAME() and REPLACE()
How do you delete Duplicate Records/ Rows?
Following code is useful to delete duplicate records. The table must have identity column, which will be used to identify the duplicate records. Table in example is has ID as Identity Column and Columns which have duplicate data are DuplicateColumn1, DuplicateColumn2 and DuplicateColumn3.
FROM MyTable
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY DuplicateColumn1, DuplicateColumn2, DuplicateColumn3)
Find Nth Highest Salary of Employee – Query to Retrieve the Nth Maximum value:
solution 1:
SELECT TOP 1 salary
FROM employee
ORDER BY salary DESC) a
ORDER BY salary
FROM Employee E1
WHERE (N-1) = (
FROM Employee E2
WHERE E2.Salary > E1.Salary)
In the above example, the inner query uses a value of the outer query in its filter condition meaning; the inner query cannot be evaluated before evaluating the outer query. So each row in the outer query is evaluated first and the inner query is run for that row.
How do you get top 3 rows by an SQL query?
For example, in Microsoft SQL Server you would use TOP:
SELECT TOP 10 column FROM table
An Oracle programmer would write
SELECT column FROM table WHERE ROWNUM <= 10
In Sybase, you would set rowcount
SET rowcount 10
SELECT column FROM table
Make a Backup Copy – Now we want to make an exact copy of the data in our “Persons” table.
We use the following SQL statement:
INTO Persons_Backup
FROM Persons
The following SQL creates a FOREIGN KEY on the “P_Id” column when the “Orders” table is created:
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
The CREATE INDEX statement is used to create indexes in tables. Indexes allow the database application to find data fast; without reading the whole table.
An index can be created in a table to find data more quickly and efficiently. The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up searches/queries.
Note: Updating a table with indexes takes more time than updating a table without (because the indexes also need an update). So you should only create indexes on columns (and tables) that will be frequently searched against.
CREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name (column_name)
The SQL statement below creates an index named “PIndex” on the “LastName” column in the “Persons” table:
ON Persons (LastName)
The HAVING Clause:
The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value
What is Normalization?
The process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization.

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